Help: Style


The project uses astyle to reformat the C source code:

astyle --mode=c --style=gnu -c

Configure your editor to use the following settings.

  • Set tab width to 2
  • Insert spaces instead of tabs
  • Automatic indentation (recommended)
  • Set right margin to 80 or 72 (preferred)

vim modeline that the project uses with C

/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=72 expandtab: */


astyle is not used to reformat the lua source code, instead configure your editor to use the following settings.

  • Set tab width 4
  • Insert spaces instead of tabs
  • Automatic indentation (recommended)
  • Set right margin to 80 or 72 (preferred)

vim modeline that the project uses with lua

-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=72 expandtab: