Help: Patches

Help: Patches
Before you submit patchesChecklist.
Creating a patchWhenever possible, please submit your contributions in the patch format.
Where to submitSee Help for the mailing list.

Before you submit patches



You agree to put your changes and new code under the same license quvi, libquvi and libquvi-scripts are using already unless stated and agreed otherwise.


If you are submitting a new website script, please include a test JSON file with it.

quvi -q $TEST_URL > foo.json

Please set the “url” field to empty (“”) in the JSON.  The test suite ignores this value because many websites generate unique URLs rather than use static ones.  Omitting these URLs from the test data, helps keep the test suite uncluttered.


Read also Help: Style.

Creating a patch

Whenever possible, please submit your contributions in the patch format.

If you create your patches with git

  • Check for unnecessary whitespace with “git diff --check” and fix them
  • Use “git format-patch -M” to create the patch
  • Or send a pull request to the mailing list (see Help)

If you use diff(1) instead, make sure you use the “-u” switch.

Where to submit

See Help for the mailing list.

To our Trac.
The project uses astyle to reformat the C source code: