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Glossary: Scripts

Glossary: Scripts

Common script

A libquvi script that may be imported from a Media script or a Playlist script. The common scripts reside under the "common/" subdirectory in the script tree. These scripts contain the reusable Lua code that is being used by the other scripts.

local C = require 'quvi/const' -- would import 'quvi/const' (of "common") as C

Media script

A libquvi script written for a website (media/*.lua) that is responsible for parsing the media properties.

  • Media scripts are expected to return >0 streams ([i].url)
  • All other properties are optional
See Also

Playlist script

A libquvi script written for a website (playlist/*.lua) that is responsible for parsing the playlist properties.

  • None of the returned properties are mandatory
  • Playlist scripts may not return any results
See Also
Parsing playlist properties

Scan script

A libquvi script written for scanning URL contents for embedded media URLs.

  • None of the returned properties are mandatory
  • Scan scripts may not return any results
See Also
Scanning URL for embedded media URLs

Utility script

libquvi-scripts contain misc. utility scripts, some of which are used by the library directly (util/*.lua), some of which may be used from the media scripts (lua/common/quvi/*.lua) by importing them first.

Subtitle script

A libquvi script written to retrieve the available Subtitle type and Subtitle language properties.

Subtitle export script

A libquvi script written to export the Subtitle data into the requested format, e.g. SubRip.